Wednesday, 8 July 2009


I don't want to turn these pages of useless rambles into a place of hate, quite the opposite, but with my new place of work slap bang in the middle of the east end of London I remembered something I read in Adbusters some time ago now.

Its a painfully true article about western culture (or lack of), which whether you like it or not, we are all victims of in some degree. Whether it be wearing the freshest, quirkiest garms, incessantly following a niche dance genre and digging out those impossible to find, rubbish quality, mp3's, trimming the handlebars on your bike down so thin your thumbs keep one and other warm or living in a squat that your parents could probably buy 10 times over, to the opposing side, everyone of us has succumb to some sort of trend.

'HIPSTER' by Douglas Haddow was published in 2008, but as time seems to go on it becomes more and more relevant. I have to honest, Adbusters is, a lot of the time, a little too much on the anarchy tip and I don't rate a lot of the articles, but you can form your own opinion. Something I do find funny though, this article seems to be relevant to so many trends that Adbusters and their readers, i'm sure fit the description (almost) as much as say a Vice reader.

They do have some decent stuff though. Its all love!


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