Saturday, 21 March 2009


I was lucky enough to attend the opening of 'Crimes of Passion' on friday. Its a celebration of the Bristol street arts scene, set in the not so street (more gentrified) premises of the RWA (a scaled down west country version of the Royal Academy in the Big Smoke). As with many of these things it was hit and miss, with some of the pieces emulating what some may say 'bate vibes' (no names!). Another trend that seemed to settle in nicely at the exhibition was the fact it was sponsored by RedBull. No surprises there. I heard word that they were confirming a deal to be sole supplier of drinks at Jade Goodey's funeral, which again would be no surprise as it seems nothing is out of reach of the big RB nowadays.
Anyway back to the point, yeh, the exhibition is well worth checking out, their is the most incredible SickBoy canvas in it, which is reason to go if nothing else. No pictures of that as i forgot my camera so, unfortunately, the only picture that came out on my phone is the one below of another amazing piece, I don't know who it is by i'm afraid, but its the city of Bristol turned into a Diplodocus.

Tight like a knot, sharp like Sean Bean

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